Power Plant Critical Infrastructure


Power Generation


10 Months


Laurel, Montana


A critical infrastructure project was initiated to address peak power expansion demands for a power plant in the Northwest region of Montana. Our client, a major contributor in the energy and natural gas sector, needed a flexible team with keen attention to deliver a reliable, direct-to-grid power source addition capable of assisting peak power demands.

Our onsite resources, made up of Concrete, Structural, and Soft Craft teams, deployed to Laurel, Montana to place all concrete foundational work for the new construction of the gas-fired power plant and to erect four PEMBs to house the new power plant equipment and offices.

Despite unique challenges, including historically significant 100-year flooding to the area that created significant downstream obstacles, our teams remained dedicated, working 24-hour shifts through the cold winter Montana months to expedite the PEMB schedule and meet project deadlines assisting with the critical needs of customers of our client.

See the success

  • Mechanical & Structural

    • Placed over 7,900 CY of Structural Concrete

    • Installed over 450 tons of Rebar

    • 33,000 SF of Concrete Formwork

    • 90,000 SF of Concrete Finish Work

    • Set over 2,600 Cast-in-place Anchor Bolts

    • Erected 4 Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings creating over 51,000 SF of Enclosed Space

    • Ground Erected and Installed a Ridge Vent with Silencers

  • Soft Craft

    • Install 141,000 SF of Building Panels/Roofing Panels and Insulation