Intumescent and Cementitious Fireproofing Services
Loenbro crews are experienced in both intumescent and cementitious fireproofing services. Allow our skilled crews to manage all of your fireproofing requirements.
Having an established, long-standing partnership with Chartek and Carboline fireproofing systems demonstrates Loenbro’s success rate in both intumescent and cementitious fireproofing. Both intumescent and cementitious have specific requirements and fire ratings, such as UL 1709. Typical systems installed include: Pyrocrete 241, Chartek 1709, and Chartek 7. Our team understands and executes these coatings to the required parameters. Our fireproofing teams hold API certifications and are trained to manage intricate projects in a multitude of industries. As a certified applicator of Chartek Intumescent, we possess a comprehensive understanding of fire protection services, deploying a team of experts who retain the knowledge of trowel-on or spray-on techniques to achieve the appropriate thickness and fire rating. Moreover, Loenbro’s QA/QC team thoroughly inspects, and documents all completed work for every project. Loenbro’s capabilities include:
Comprehensive Protection Services
Proper Use of Trowel-On vs. Spray-On Techniques
Techniques to Ensure Thickness and Fire Rating
Carboline Fireproofing Products
Sole Certified Chartek Applicators in the Rockies Region